Thursday, June 16, 2011

Me - A Chicken Farmer?

So, the chicks are here - in fact, have been here for three weeks, and are growing like crazy!   What started out as small balls of fluff that had to be shown where the water was, have begun to turn into .... chickens.   In fact, I had to go out and buy a bigger feeder - the chick feeder was too small to keep them happy all day while I'm at work, and by the time I get home, 11 desperate faces are cheeping away at me frantically. So, a bigger feeder has been acquired, and when it dries, I will place it in the brooder.  Meanwhile the three biggest chicks are getting feisty despite my having raised the walls of the brooder to 24 inches. I find them perched on the TOP of the wall, pooping on the garage floor - not a hit with the husband.  I briefly contemplated going higher, but it occurred to me that 1) not be able to take care of them as I could not reach in and 2) was shown the futility of the plan by noting that little Miss Parsley (a copper maran) was perched, not on the top of the wall, but on top of the pole that holds the heat lamp - a good 4 feet off the ground - looking at me with defiance.  Obviously, the coop needs to get going so that I can move them out to their home in a few weeks, or I'm liable to find chickens all over the garage.  Meanwhile, I find them even more interesting to watch, and am trying to find ways to encourage them to trust me, instead of running in fear most of the time.  Oh well, it's a work in progress.

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