Monday, December 27, 2010

Winter in my town

Having lived the vast majority of my life in an extremely suburbanized area, moving to the town I live in now was a bit daunting.  The space, first of all, though desired, was a cause for concern - too big? Too dark?  How can it be maintained? From .19 acres to 2.3 was a leap of faith, and more than one friend told me I was making a "big mistake".  Now having lived here for four years I can say that not only was 2.3 acres a good idea, I could really have used more.  The sheer beauty of this place is beyond description, as today, following the first snowstorm of 2010 - 2011, I looked out the window and saw what I've never seen before - pink and blue shadows on the snow - the snow in my backyard.  Now I'm sure this exists where I used to live, but the sheer density of the population and the crowding of the homes prevents its being seen, and I'm here to tell you - it's stunning.  Something about the angle of the sun on the expanse of snow causes that trick of light, for I'm absolutely sure there is no pink snow out there, and I wouldn't have missed it for the world.  As quickly as it came, it left, as the sun shifted downward and the snow resumed its natural white, and now is fading to the purple shadows before dark. Quite the spectacle.  I look forward to many more snowy days to come.

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