Sunday, September 4, 2011

How Time Flies (Or, must be having more fun than I thought)

Suddenly, it is September.  How could this be?  Five minutes ago I was looking at chicks and contemplating a coop, and here we are into September - coop's mostly done, chickens are BIG (not big enough for eggs yet, though) and my garden is giving out - tomatoes are nearly done; weeds are winning, the lone pumpkin is turning orange.  It's been, to say the least, quick. Possibly I was distracted by coop building, work, and life in general, but I regret to say I seem to have missed it. In any case, I must now turn my attentions to the "evening" of the garden - getting ready to clean out the beds, remove (hopefully) the weeds, trimming the bushes and removing the rest of the dead fall after the lovely Irene came through town. All in all, this saddens me, because I meant to pay attention this year, and savor the moments, but somehow it got away from me.  Perhaps I need to plan better - get some kind of schedule in place so I can get stuff done and not waste so much time on whatever I waste time on.  That's it - a schedule.  More attention to things that are important and less on the minutia of life like shopping, doing wash, paying bills.....   no?  Well, there's always hope.  Next year will be better. Next year I will seize the moments, and conquer the weeds, conquer the garden, get more done, lose weight, hit the lottery, etc, etc, etc.  Well, anyway, I can try.