Sunday, March 27, 2011

I believe they call it Spring?

Well, I hate to say I got what I asked for, but my last posting in which I waxed poetic about  snow seems to have given free reign to old man Winter.  We had an incredible amount of snow - over 70 inches in total, I believe, and cold, cold, and more cold.  It got totally out of hand - long after the romance of a snowy night had passed, long after the crackle of a fire was enchanting, it continued to snow.  Bleh.
Now at last, we've passed March 20th, the day the calendar marks (clearly) as the first day of Spring.  Since then, we've had two snowstorms, and temperatures in the 30's or below almost every day.  Briefly, tauntingly, we had a warm-ish day or two late last week, but not the 50's we are supposed to be having.  I am really ready to move on.
As I went to the wood pile to collect some pieces for this evening's fire, I was distracted by something beneath the birch trees I planted a few years back - something green.   Now a couple of years ago I bought some daffodil bulbs from a co-worker's son during a fund raiser for the school, and put in three or four in a couple of spots out there and proceeded to forget about them.  Last year I saw them blooming, and picked a few for the table, but left an equal number to cheer up the neighborhood (and me) as people drove or walked by.  Nothing spectacular, just a bit of color. But  today on examination of that "something green" I find daffodils! Not just "a few" but MOBS of them, CLUMPS of them, too many to count.  Those modest little bulbs - probably no more than a dozen - have taken this past winter and gone to town, doing whatever little daffodil bulbs do to reproduce themselves, and they did so with a vengeance.So while the rest of us were hunkering down and running from our homes to our cars in an attempt to stay sheltered, beneath the snow those little bulbs were preparing for a visual feast called Spring.  I can't wait!